It is an honor to host acclaimed artist Stacey Peterson in our Whitefish gallery for the month of July! Stacey’s artistry is deeply inspired by the grandeur of nature. This latest body of work focuses on the timeless and awe-inspiring presence of the mountains and waters of Glacier National Park. Elevation invites the viewer to slow down, reconnect, and find reverence for nature. Join us at the artist reception for refreshments, live music from Cara Alboucq, and an evening with the artist!
This event is in conjunction with Whitefish Gallery Nights–a monthly art walk featuring nine local galleries. Enjoy art, refreshments, music, and community! Free and open to the public!

Date and Time
Thursday Jul 11, 2024
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM MDT
Thursday, July 11th
FoR Fine Art
235 Central Ave
Whitefish, MT