Shop Small on November 25 2023!!
Small Business Saturday, a day dedicated to supporting the local businesses that create jobs, boost the economy and preserve neighborhoods around the country.
Local businesses: please feel free to post your Small Business Saturday Specials on our Facebook Page - Flathead Small Business Saturday.
Also see sale flyers below! More being added daily!
Also see sale flyers below! More being added daily!
Shop Small from November 25th thru Christmas Stroll, December 8th. The Whitefish Chamber of Commerce will be awarding raffle tickets to our Shoppers' Drawing with twelve baskets donated by Whitefish Chamber Members. Bring in your Whitefish Small Business receipts to The Whitefish Chamber of Commerce, 505 E 2nd Street, Whitefish Mt 59937 or to the south end of the Whitefish Christmas Stroll.

Date and Time
Saturday Nov 25, 2023
Shop hours will vary store to store.
Whitefish and surrounding areas.
Montana Coffee Traders: 15% off for Small Business Saturday & open for the stroll as well!
Email to add your small shop's promotion.