8am-10pm EVERYDAY!
Breakfast served 8am-11am
Lunch/Dinner served 11am-10pm
Driving Directions:
8868 US Highway 2 E
Hungry Horse, MT 59919
About Us
Montana's historic Huckleberry Destination!
The #1 Pie in Montana, #1 Milkshake in the Flathead!
Famous Canned Huckleberry Goods!
Family owned and operated since 1949 located at the gateway to Glacier National Park. Famous for our fresh homemade huckleberry pies!
Located nine miles from the west entrance of Glacier National Park, HUNGRY HORSE, MONTANA claims fame as the wild huckleberry capital of the West. This sweet tart wild berry grows only in moist mountain areas and cannot be commercially grown. Wild berries are not sprayed with chemicals or fertilizers. Berries are hand picked when ripe and processed without artificial colors, flavorings or corn syrup. ''Vaccinium'' huckleberries are blue-black or blue-reddish, depending upon soil and habitat and grows on a slender shrub 2 - 6 feet high.
Berry pickers hike into wilderness areas to secure berries for our cannery. We take great pride in presenting our delicious assortment of wild huckleberry jams, jellies preserves, topping, syrups and pie fillings. All huckleberry products are made in the USA.
You may shop online for our products or visit our store in Hungry Horse, Montana for fresh Huckleberry Pies and treats.