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Driving Directions:
890 Meridian N
Kalispell, MT 59901
About Us
NorthWestern Energy has provided reliable and affordable energy to customers in Montana, South Dakota and Nebraska for more than 100 years. Our company got its start in small communities, providing essential service that allowed them to grow and prosper. Today, we are proud to serve 734,800 residential and business customers with electricity and natural gas.
With roots in the Montana Power Co. and South Dakota-based Northwestern Public Service Co., NorthWestern Energy took its current form in 2002 when the company bought the Montana Power electric and natural gas transmission and distribution system and became a partial owner of Colstrip Unit 4.
Today, the company is a growing, financially sound, investor-owned energy company. Shares in NorthWestern Energy are traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol NWE.
NorthWestern at glance:
Number of employees: over 1,500
Number of customer accounts: 764,200
Number of states served: Three, plus Yellowstone National Park
Miles of electric line: 28,310 transmission and distribution
Miles of natural gas line: 9,483 plus storage facilities
Owned electric generation:
Serving our Montana customers: 11 hydroelectric dams, Colstrip Unit 4 (30% ownership), Dave Gates Generating Station (natural gas), Spion Kop wind farm, Two Dot wind farm
Serving our South Dakota operations: Big Stone (23.4% ownership), Coyote I (10.0%), Neal Unit 4 (8.7%), Aberdeen Peaker Plant (natural gas), and Beethoven Wind