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Stack Financial Management

Stack Financial Management


About Us

The mission of Stack Financial Management (SFM) is to provide “safety-first” investment management for the equity portion of a client’s portfolio while providing an unmatched and personal service experience. Our ultimate goal is to give our clients increased peace of mind knowing that their assets are managed in a value conscious manner focused on risk management.

The foundation of our investment philosophy is risk management – the idea that there is a time to allocate more assets to the stock market, and a time to reduce portfolio exposure when equity market risk is high. Our primary objective is to achieve returns that meet or exceed long-term averages while reducing downside risk and volatility.

Our respect for risk in the pursuit of long-term profits has led to the evolution of the investment methodology which we employ in constructing portfolios and selecting securities. At SFM, our active approach to portfolio management is predicated on following the weight of the evidence and allowing an objective assessment of the data to dictate our risk management strategy. Our investment philosophy relies on a blending of technical, macroeconomic, and fundamental analysis, and is rooted in a deep historical knowledge of prior market cycles. Through careful asset allocation and security selection, we aim to provide superior risk-adjusted returns over a full market cycle.


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