Live Theatre/Music
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM Monday-Friday and one hour before every performance
Driving Directions:
Follow signs to the O'Shaughnessy Center. Whitefish Theatre Co. is located downtown across from Depot Park at the end of Central Avenue, two blocks north of Central Avenue and East Second Street.
About Us
Whitefish Theatre Co. located in the O'Shaughnessy Center, is enjoying more than 40 years as a non-profit, community-based performing arts organization presenting live theatre, music and community theatre.
The mission of the Whitefish Theatre Company is to initiate, develop and nurture the diverse passions of the community through the production and presentation of outstanding performing arts programs and projects.
WTC began as an idea...
...in 1978, an idea of bringing live theatre to Whitefish. For the next five years, WTC mounted two productions a year as well as sponsoring several performing arts groups. By 1988, WTC mounted two productions, sponsored three events, and hired a full time artistic director.
As productions grew in the 1990’s, WTC established a building fund. Sparked by the generous contribution from the I.A. O’Shaughnessy Foundation, the community funded cultural arts center opened in 1998. Today, with a long-term lease with the City of Whitefish, WTC sponsors or produces the majority of events at the Center. Other Flathead Valley organizations use the facility as well.
The I.A. O’Shaughnessy Center has become the premiere arts center in the Flathead Valley. It is a place for young and old to see a good play, listen to fine music, view local artwork, discuss a burning issue, or gather for a meeting. Please join us as we seek to provide the valley with the very best of the arts and cultural arts center for all to enjoy.